Counselling 4 EssexSouthend On Sea & Online

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Inner Child Therapy Online | Counselling Southend-on-Sea, Essex | Counselling Nationwide

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Samantha Lee - Online Therapist | Inner Child Therapy Online | Counselling Nationwide

Hello and welcome. My name is Samantha Lee (friends and clients call me Sam). I've been a BACP Registered Counsellor since 2014.

I run a successful online practice offering therapy via Zoom Meetings to clients anywhere in the UK.

I'm the proud creator of "Me, Myself & I", the popular online Inner Child training courses for the Counselling Community. "Truly Brilliant!" "Just as good as Carolyn Spring"

All three courses are now available to buy on a budget busting bundle deal saving 15% off the total price. Click here to see the Hat Trick Bundle details and to buy!

I'm also the Author of “The Little Book of Help”. "Your poems are exquisite"

So how can I help you?

I help people make sense of issues that are having a detrimental effect on their relationships, their parenting, their work and their friendships.  I also help people to explore difficult relationships with family and the impact this can have on someone over the years.
My special interest lies in the long term effects of childhood trauma. This means that I help clients who have lived through difficult childhood experiences which may still be affecting their adult lives - something that is most keenly felt in the relationships they form.
The thing is, they don't always realise just how much their past is affecting their present until we sit and talk, they just know that something isn't right.
A lot of people assure me their childhood was "normal" and that what they've lived through is "just how it was in our house" but childhood trauma can develop from experiences we live through in our “normal” environment growing up. 
  • Regular exposure to a parents’ unhealthy beliefs and behaviours
  • Domestic abuse - living with a destructive relationships between two parents
  • Living with the impact of a family members' mental illness or physical health issues
  • Being a young carer to a parent or sibling
  • Divorce
  • Addiction
  • Bereavement that's not spoken about 
  • Living with a strict religious faith
  • Long term absence of a parent (prison, the forces, working away)
  • Long term separations from family - ie attending boarding school 

When we are exposed to these experiences on a daily basis, in our own home, with our own parents it can shape our own beliefs and behaviours about ourselves and the world as we grow.
This is more keenly felt if we do not receive help to manage upsetting experiences in the form of reassurance, love and comfort from our parents / primary carers.  If these things are lacking in childhood, then our ways of coping can then go on to affect how we relate to others in our Adult life.
Many of you reading this won't consciously realise that your past is still playing out in your present but you may "feel" different from others in a number of ways.

You might find 'What is the Inner Child' an interesting read.


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Samantha Lee - Online Therapist | OTI Certified | Counselling Essex | Counselling Southend-on-Sea


Home. worried man

Is my problem "bad enough" for Counselling? I'm fine!

Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

  • A large part of my practice is helping men and you'll find many positive testimonials from past clients throughout my website.

    But whoever you are, let me ask you some questions......

    Are you the kind of person who others might look at and think you've got it all? Lovely Partner, good job, nice house, great lifestyle? Yet behind closed doors, it's a different story because you're struggling with long term hidden issues that you don't really talk about?

    Do you tell everyone you're "Fine", including yourself, when the truth is that actually, you're not really fine at all?
    Does your relationship with your partner regularly feel challenging or at breaking point?
    Do you feel like a bad parent?
    Do you have a difficult relationship with your parents / siblings?
    Do you worry your friends are better than you or don't really like you?
    Do you spend too much time working?
    Do you often pretend to be someone you're not, in order to fit in with others?
    Do you put everyone else's needs first and your own needs come last?

    I wonder if you ever look at your behaviour and think "why the hell do I keep doing that?" Yet, you just can't seem to stop doing "that" again, even though you know it's hurting you, and possibly the important people in your life?

    And do you sometimes feel helpless and overwhelmed, wishing another Adult would come and take over, one that's more "Adultier" than you because there are some days where you can just feel like a helpless child?

    Maybe you go above and beyond to help others but when it comes to helping yourself, you don't like to “burden” people with YOUR problems?

    Well, I can guarantee that you are definitely not alone. Life doesn't have to be that way and I may be the Counsellor for you.

    If you are a male client, you may like to also read my dedicated page Counselling for Men.


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Counselling Southend-on-Sea | Online Counselling Nationwide


It's been a tough few years to say the least, hasn't it? We still live with the long term effects of the Pandemic, then there's the Energy Crisis, climate change, the Cost of Living Crisis, the wars in Ukraine and Israel - Hamas. It can feel like there's always something to worry about.

Yet as a nation, it's almost expected that we should always just "Keep Calm and Carry on" whenever there's a crisis.

The trouble with living through all these challenging times is that we can find ourselves looking at other people's problems, comparing them to ours and thinking "I shouldn't feel this bad, there are so many people worse off than me. Who am I to complain?"

It's daft isn't it? We guilt trip ourselves out of getting the support we need by comparing ourselves to others, and yet those others aren't you.

They aren't living YOUR life. They don't have your past experiences to deal with. Often we don't realise that our past childhood experiences can play a HUGE part in how we handle challenges in Adult life.

So if how you are feeling is starting to affect your quality of life, the people you love, your work, then it's time to get some help now, BEFORE you reach crisis point.

Counselling really can help you to work through overwhelming problems that feel too big to wade through alone.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Home. cry

You don't have to cope alone - Counsellor, Southend-on-Sea | Online Therapy throughout the UK

So many people have issues that family, loved ones and work colleagues can often know nothing about.

So many people hide their worries and fears because they don't want to "burden" people, they don't want to "upset" anyone and they don't want to be judged, especially if they feel they are repeating the same mistakes in life over and over again.

Perhaps one or more of the following statements may sound familiar?

  • You suspect that events from your childhood may still be affecting you
  • You’re having real problems in your relationship (again)
  • You've always had a difficult relationship with your parents
  • You often feel helpless and overwhelmed
  • You overthink and worrry about everything, you've always been that way
  • People think you're confident and have a nice life but secretly, you feel inadequate and compare yourself to others
  • You experience anxiety/panic attacks that can affect everyday life
  • You can feel depressed/low in mood but you don't really know why?

If any of this sounds familiar and you’re exhausted from putting on a brave face all the time, then I can help you.

Counselling Southend-on-Sea | Online Therapy throughout the UK for Relationship Issues, Stress, Anxiety, Low Confidence, Depression and more


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How can Counselling help you?


So how can counselling help? How can talking help if you’re having relationship problems, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, anger issues etc?

In my sessions, you'll get the chance to drop the brave face, stop pretending everything's okay and just feel the relief of telling me what it's really like to be you.

It can be a huge release to talk to somebody neutral about the things you struggle with. Not having to worry about upsetting them or being judged allows total honesty - honesty is the thing that can change everything.

When you can be truly honest about the things you struggle with in certain areas of life, you eventually gain clarity and understanding about WHY you have struggled.

This insight eventually gives you the confidence to make gradual changes that can have a huge impact. What kind of changes?

Finally understanding WHY you have held on to certain unhelpful views and behaviours from the past allows you to change how you view yourself and others.

It will change how you treat yourself and others.

It will give you new insight about your life experiences and relationships and the confidence to do things differently.

Together, we will get you back to a place where you feel like your old self and where life feels good and manageable again.


Online Therapy Nationwide - Counselling Southend-on-Sea

I may be based in Southend-on-Sea, Essex and yet from Rochford to Rochester and Southend to Land's End, online therapy  allows me to work with clients throughout the UK.

I am a reputable Certified Online Therapist, trained to work ethically online by OTI, the Online Therapy Institute. I am also a Registered BACP Counsellor. Please see my dedicated page for Online Therapy.

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Online Therapist Nationwide - Counselling Southend-on-Sea, Essex

So if you are wondering whether therapy is for you, I would say that now more than ever, counselling could make such a difference to how you deal with life's problems.

Email me for a free telephone assessment:by clicking the email tab on any page of the website.
You can also contact me via Messenger on my Facebook Page

Visit my Facebook Page for daily posts that will make you think, laugh or resonate with the content. I also post my poetry about life and often post some beautiful photographs of the nature and scenery in Southend-on-Sea and around Essex from when I go out walking.

Home. Wells-by-the-sea

Be Less Stressed this year

Don't take my word for it - here some testimonials from past clients:-

After the first few sessions I knew Sam was the right choice , her understanding of your situation and the ability to make you unravel it all in your head is amazing . The coping mechanisms that you will learn can only help you go forward with your life. There are times when it is hard and you have to face up to some stuff that is really hard. Yes I have been in tears, I'll admit it, but what you get through the other side - it is an amazing feeling to have your Mojo back.

I have just finished with Sam after 18 months its time to crack on with life again. I cant thank her enough and I know she is there if I ever need her again " Paul, 53, Rochford


"Sam has been a fantastic help this year. I had experienced several different traumatic events that had built up on top of each other. I always felt that I was 'coping' but realised that my way of coping was just actually pushing things down and carrying on. Sam has helped me to identify underlying issues, work through them at my own pace and help me feel empowered to tackle them. Not only that but she has made me feel more confident about dealing with things that might happen in the future. Sam has a fantastically empathetic approach and has made me feel really validated. I am very grateful and would wholeheartedly recommend her." Helen, 40, Upminster


“I met Sam last year when I was at rock bottom and in a little over a year, she helped me to cope with it all and then how to understand it and move on from it.  From the very first session, I felt totally at ease to open up and let it all out.  It was easy to trust Sam and discuss things I had never spoken to anyone about or even understood myself.  I would recommend Sam 100% to anyone who needs help dealing with tough feelings or situations, past or present, and I cannot thank her enough for helping me overcome those feelings and understand how I can see good in the world and myself again.” Toby, 30, Southend-on-Sea

Photo by chris liu on Unsplash


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